Intelligent Automation Platform: what is it and how can you use it in your business?

AI Intelligence

AI Intelligence

Intelligent Automation Platform: what is it and how can you use it in your business?

Intelligent automation platforms (IAP) are transforming the way that businesses operate and paving the way for new ways of working in every sector. Intelligent automation falls under the umbrella of artificial intelligence (AI), and like other forms of AI, it’s helping businesses to streamline processes and workflows, reduce time spent on dull, manual tasks, and allow professionals to focus on those tasks that require the most skill and judgement.

Intelligent automation platforms make implementing intelligent automation easy even for businesses with few technical resources. They allow businesses to rapidly and continuously integrate existing workflows with automation to optimise business performance and stay competitive in increasingly crowded marketplaces.

What Is An Intelligent Automation Platform?

An intelligent automation platform is a tool or solution that enables organisations to use intelligent automation (IA), alongside other artificial intelligence technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA) and business process management (BPM).

Intelligent automation can be used to streamline decision-making and simplify common business processes, which in turn frees up resources and allows key members of staff to focus their attention on other, more important tasks. Intelligent automation can speed up simple manual tasks that don’t require a lot of human thought but do take a considerable amount of time to complete.

Not only can intelligent automation enable organisations to reduce costs, but it can also help to reduce the presence of human error, improve staff morale, and make predictions about the future to optimise the decisions that we make today.

The key thing to understand about IA is that it isn’t sector-specific technology. Intelligent automation has its place in all industries and across various business functionalities. It can be used to streamline manual tasks or optimise legacy systems in almost every industry operating in the market today.

The benefits of intelligent automation

Intelligent automation is being adopted by businesses across every industry because of the myriad of benefits it brings to managers, employees, customers and investors. IA empowers project teams to make smarter decisions, work faster, and improve results – all without breaking a sweat. Some of the benefits of intelligent automation include:

  • Increase process efficiency and reduce time wasted in the workplace
  • Add value for customers and improve the customer experience
  • Optimise back office operations and reduce delays and disruptions
  • Reduce the costs of running your business and the risks of investing in business
  • Optimise workforce productivity and boost performance
  • Effectively monitor for fraud and detect fraud risks sooner
  • Innovate new products and services to improve your offering to customers
  • Make data-driven decisions that are backed by AI data analysis
  • Businesses in every sector are facing increasing pressures to cut costs while simultaneously improving the quality of the service they offer to their customers. Intelligent automation can help businesses to achieve both milestones without compromising on employee satisfaction and happiness.

The future of intelligent automation

IA is already changing the way that organisations around the world are working, and yet there’s no doubt that the changes we’ve seen so far are only the tip of the iceberg.

Today, intelligent automation is used to automate time-consuming but repetitive tasks that require little subjectivity, judgement, or analysis. For example, intelligent automation platforms might be used to automate invoice processing, basic customer support, and document processing.

In part, the accelerated adoption of automation can be attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic. The sudden increase in the need for remote working combined with an urgency to prioritise business continuity meant that automation suddenly held a lot of solutions for businesses wanting to stay competitive despite back-to-back lockdowns. Two years later, automated solutions remain optimal for businesses even in a post-pandemic world.

It’s obvious that we’re going to see more and more businesses incorporating AI solutions into everyday workflows, and the number of manual tasks and operations that can be automated is still much higher than those that have been automated in most businesses.

But the real future of IA is in the automation of more complex tasks that require some human input or judgement. When working in tandem with human employees, IA platforms can carry out complex tasks that require elements of decision-making and analysis, impacting more critical business activities. For example, automation can be used in quote estimation and more complex customer service environments.

Businesses and employees adopting IA in the workplace shouldn’t be worried about the impacts of automation on human employment; instead, the future of automation is in supporting and streamlining the work of employees to create space that allows employees to focus on those tasks that add genuine value to business operations.

Beebot AI’s intelligent automation platform

At Beebot AI, our intelligent automation platform (IAP) combines various cutting-edge technologies to enable businesses to reduce their costs, scale up or down, and enhance the customer experience efficiently and quickly. We’ve worked with high-profile clients in both the private and public sectors, including creating digitised Family Hubs, a government family service that provides family support and advice to families and young people across the UK.

Beebot’s IAP can be customised to fit the specific needs of your business. We can help you to increase efficiency, cut costs, and gain an edge over the competition. Our platform can:

  • Consolidate content and user experience into a single place.
  • Complete business processes and show users how to complete them.
  • Upskill users by recommending personalised training topics and training content based on user behaviour.
  • Enable businesses to seek opportunities for optimisation via advanced analytics.
  • Integrate your business’s knowledge base and content using conversational AI to answer queries on demand.

If you’re interested in finding out more about how Beebot AI can help your business to streamline workflows, improve performance and cut costs, get in touch with us today.

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