Maximise Employee Productivity with Employee Experience Platforms

Maximise Employee Productivity with Employee Experience Platforms

Managing the employee experience is a crucial part of achieving organisational success. It’s good business practice to consider every employee interaction with your business, from their application, work routine, through to benefits and compensation.

Central to enhancing this experience is the use of employee experience platforms (EXPs), a platform that makes managing workforce interaction much easier.

Ready to learn more about engaging your staff? Well, this feature explores the evolution, key functions, benefits, and essential features of EXPs, shedding light on their role in increasing employee engagement, retention, and productivity.

What's an Employee Experience Platform?

It’s an intelligent automation platform designed to streamline common HR needs, such as with recruitment, onboarding, admin tasks, benefits, compensation, and induction days. In other words, you get an all-in-one suite of useful features to simplify your human resources procedures. And enable your teams to be more productive.

In the past, human capital management (HCM) software and HR information systems (HRIS) were relied upon for these functions. But those systems often fell short of delivering timely and relevant information.

EXPs have revolutionised the process! They’re not a one-size-fits-all solution, but they are a means to creating a unified and seamless employee experience.

Unlike traditional software options, workplace experience platforms offer flexibility, accommodating various vendors responsible for onboarding, payroll, learning and development functions within one user-friendly portal.

The main features of a digital employee experience platform

Benefits and compensation

EXPs streamline onboarding by digitising paperwork and ensuring employees receive necessary documents before their first day. This extends to the ongoing experience, as employees can access benefits and compensation information anytime. All this information, from health insurance to commuter benefits and employee discounts, is accessible through a single login.

Performance management

Performance management functions, including goal setting, manager-employee interactions, peer feedback, recognition, and employee surveys, are integrated into employee experience platforms. The inclusion of goal setting fosters clarity and accountability. Documenting these goals within a central platform holds managers and employees responsible while enabling straightforward tracking.

Learning and development

Learning and development can take various forms, from traditional in-person classes to online education and on-the-job experiences. EXPs merge all this information in one place, offering a comprehensive view of what an employee is learning and what development opportunities are available. This centralisation enables managers to link learning opportunities with employee goals.

Employee satisfaction survey tools

You can distribute employee satisfaction surveys on a regular basis for direct feedback. These can be anonymous or otherwise, but the information you receive from staff can be crucial in raising retention rates.

Essential features of the very best employee experience platforms

It’s important you take advantage of the best available features in any EXP. What you should look out for are:

  • User-friendly interfaces for all stakeholders.
  • Instant communication options.
  • Nimble learning and development pathways.
  • Transparent goal-setting formats.
  • Real-time performance feedback mechanisms.
  • Frequent employee surveys.

These are the industry standard options that’ll really enhance your HR potential. Our tip? Always get a demo of the software before singing up, that way you can ensure you get what you’re after.

The benefits of using an employee experience platform

There are many advantages to using an EXP. Below is the range of engagement and productivity perks you can expect:

  • Stop information overload: A unified platform mitigates the challenges associated with multiple tools and systems, improving clarity and accessibility.
  • Increase productivity: By centralising essential functions, EXPs free up time for both employees and managers, resulting in higher productivity.
  • Vital engagement insights: Help employees understand how their work impacts the company and facilitate meaningful discussions between managers and employees.
  • Smoother cross-functional collaboration: Clear expectations and goals, shared across departments, foster collaboration essential for sustained growth.
  • Align employees with strategy: Understanding how their roles contribute to organisational goals drives purpose and motivation among employees.
  • Improve retention rates: Enhancing the employee experience through growth opportunities and skill development reduces attrition rates.
  • Increase workplace happiness: Keep track of staff morale! Get direct feedback and management knowledge of every employee and build on your business success story.

Keep in mind there may be many different benefits on a business-by-business basis. And if you need more tips on keeping staff productive, we’ve got a full guide to engaging employees with AI-driven software.

How EXPs lead to greater HR productivity

EXP-driven employee experience positively impacts organisational efficiency, engagement, and productivity, resulting in tangible benefits such as:

  • Enhanced cross-functional collaboration, breaking down silos and aligning teams with shared goals.
  • Continuous insights into employee engagement, contributing to a more engaged and motivated workforce.
  • Aligning employees’ efforts with strategic priorities, promoting a sense of purpose.
  • Increased productivity, driven by reduced time spent accessing multiple HR systems.
  • Improved retention rates, reducing the high costs associated with employee turnover.
  • A solution for information overload, bringing clarity and accessibility to organisational information.

Investing in an employee experience platform is a strategic decision that promises a more engaged, productive, and satisfied workforce. These platforms bridge the gap between technology and human resources, ensuring employees have access to the information they need when they need it.

In a dynamic and diverse workforce, the right EXP is the key to maintaining high employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity.

Get a demo! See how AI can transform the employee experience

You can book a free demo with us for a full demonstration of the software.

We’ll take you through every step so you get a full understanding of how you’ll benefit: 0161 823 1000 or

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